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Select a plan

Save money and avoid annual renewal hassle with multiyear plans.

1 year 1 year
$99 AUD / year $110 AUD / year
Total $99 $110
3 years 3 years
$89 AUD / year $95 AUD / year
Total $267 $285
5 years 5 years
$75 AUD / year $80 AUD / year
Total $375 $400
2 3

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Legal Address

*Note - if the start date of the child-parent relationship is after the end of accounting period, please return to the question "Does the parent consolidate financial statements/annual report?" and mark "No" as the answer.

*Note - if the start date of the child-parent relationship is after the end of accounting period, please return to the question "Does the parent consolidate financial statements/annual report?" and mark "No" as the answer.

Why are LEI codes required in Australia?

Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) are important for promoting transparency, efficiency, and security in financial markets.

Regulatory compliance

LEIs are essential for regulatory compliance, including ASIC Derivative Transaction Rules (Reporting) 2024, in financial transactions.

Risk management

LEIs improve counterparty understanding and relationship assessment, fostering stability in finance.

Enhanced transparency and trust

LEIs ensure transparency, trust, and reduced fraud by reliably identifying legal entities in financial transactions.
Cumulative sum of LEIs in Australia
17 912 2019
21 708 2020
25 295 2021
28 668 2022
32 019 2023
39 481 2024

2 744 394

LEIs worldwide

Trusted by
LVMH Virgin Bae Systems EFG Santander

Why choose LEI Register?

LEI Register offers a fast, reliable, and secure way to register or renew your Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). Our technology-driven approach simplifies data processing and provides a streamlined registration process.

About us
Toomas Pavelson
Toomas Pavelson
Co-founder of LEI Register

"Registering an LEI doesn’t need to be complicated. Our tireless work revolves around simplifying the process to make it universally accessible and comprehensible to all."

Fast registration

Seamless registration process that takes just a few minutes to complete

Low fees

Cost-effective LEI services that enable you to save on renewals by opting for multiyear plans

24/7 support

Count on our dedicated team for reliable customer support, available every day

LEI code structure
1 - 4
5 - 18
Entity identifier
19 20
  • The first four digits represent the identifier of the LEI issuing organisation, otherwise known as Local Operating Unit (LOU).
  • This section of the LEI code is unique and identifies each legal entity in the global database with alphanumeric characters.
  • The final two verification digits are generated by an algorithmic formula as described in the ISO 17442 standard.


The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-character alphanumeric code for identifying legal entities worldwide. Each LEI code is unique and exclusive: it is assigned to a company once and may not be assigned to any other company.

The Legal Entity Identifier code does not replace the national registry code of a company.
Since January 3, 2018, legal entities must have a Legal Entity Identifier if they conduct transactions on a regulated market, multilateral facility, or other platforms.

An LEI registration is mandatory for all legal entities that intend to engage in financial market transactions involving any form of securities or derivatives. Examples of such financial instruments include stocks, bonds, ETFs, FX forwards, swaps, and interest rate swaps, among others.
LEI Register will usually assign your Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) number within 24 hours. Validating parental (Level 2) and fund relationship data can take up to 48 hours.
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) was created after the 2008 global financial crisis to help establish and maintain a global standard for uniquely identifying legal entities that engage in financial transactions.

The LEI system is intended to provide a consistent, globally accepted method for identifying parties to financial transactions to reduce risk and increase transparency in the global financial system.
After issuance, a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) remains valid for one year. To ensure continued validity, the LEI must be renewed annually. To simplify this process for customers, we offer multiyear solutions allowing extended validity periods without requiring yearly renewals.

Failing to renew the LEI results in its expiration. This can create issues in financial transactions and reporting obligations, potentially leading to financial institutions rejecting transactions and regulatory non-compliance penalties.

An expired, i.e., lapsed LEI can be renewed anytime.
A Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a universal, public identifier recognised and valid across all jurisdictions worldwide.
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) record is public. It contains information about a legal entity, such as its name, address, ownership structure, and other details that help identify the entity and its relationships with other organisations. It also includes information about the LEI issuer and the status of the LEI.

To see more, visit the LEI search tool.
The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) maintains the Global Index, a publicly available database of all LEIs and their associated entity information. To access GLEIF’s database visit their website or use our search tool.

Simply enter the LEI code or the company’s name associated with an LEI, and the database will provide the current status and other relevant details.
LEI codes are issued by Local Operating Units (LOUs). LOUs often work in partnership with Registration Agents who do not issue LEI codes directly but provide valuable assistance to legal entities in the registration, renewal, and transfer process of LEI codes by undertaking specific tasks.

LEI Register is a Registration Agent of Ubisecure Oy (RapidLEI).
You can switch to a new LEI service provider whenever you wish – the Global LEI System supports healthy competition between issuers and registrars for the benefit of legal entities.

The transfer of an LEI is costless and can be completed within seven days.
LEI applications for Trusts are accepted. If the Trust is not registered with an official Registration Authority enter “N/A” as the company number.
To obtain an LEI for a Trust, it is necessary to provide supporting documentation that verifies the legal name, legal address, main creation date, and the names of the Trustees.

Such documentation could include a Trust Deed, an establishing agreement, or any other relevant document that confirms the information.